Getting Testnet TRB

Validators are required to stake. You will need to have some layer testnet TRB into your validator account (see step 7 in Running a node). Feel free to send a request with your tellor address in the public discord #testing-layer channel, or try the token bridge from the Sepolia testnet playground:

1. Mint Testnet TRB

You can mint Layer Testnet TRB using this Sepolia Tellor Playground contract’s “faucet” command. Connect your wallet, click the function 5. faucet, put your sepolia ethereum address in the _user field, click write and confirm your transaction.

You should now have 1000 TRBP in your sepolia wallet for bridging to layer.

Note: TRBP (contract address 0xceBa0609797251395CFB420a1540E58b6be0828d) is different from the sepolia TRB token used for reporting to sepolia tellor.

2. Approve the bridge contract

Click on function 2. approve. Set spender to the bridge contract address: 0x1AaF421491171930e71fb032B765DF252CE3F97e Set _amount to: 1000000000000000000000

3. Make the bridge request (depositToLayer)

Once you have TRBP in your wallet, head over to the Layer Testnet bridge. Connect your wallet and click function 3. depositToLayer. Set the amount to the amount of TRBP that you want to bridge, e.g. 100000000000000000000 (100 TRBP + 18 decimals). Set _layerRecipient to your tellor prefix address on layer. If you don't have an address yet, see steps to Create an account on Layer here.

Open your transaction via block explorer and retrieve the depositId from the event logs:

4. Wait 12 hours

There's a 12 hour delay to secure deposits from sepolia to the layer testnet. While you wait it's a great opportunity to follow us on twitter or join the tellor discord and say hello!

5. Claim the Tokens on Layer

Open a new terminal on your layer node machine and use the command (replacing 3 with your actual depositId):

./layerd tx bridge claim-deposit $ACCOUNT_NAME 3 0 --chain-id layertest-1 --keyring-backend $KEYRING_BACKEND --home $LAYERD_NODE_HOME --keyring-dir $LAYERD_NODE_HOME --fees 1000loya

You should see your new balance when you run the command:

./layerd query bank balance $TELLOR_ADDRESS loya --chain-id layertest-1

Last updated