Create an Account

You will need a "wallet" account on layer to run a node even if you do not intend to recieve tokens or create a validator. (The --key-name flag is required when starting layerd.)

Security Tips: 1. This guide uses the "test" backend because this is a testnet guide. Always use a secure keyring-backend option like os, file, or pass if you're handling real money. 2. Handle mnemonics/keys with extreme care, even if it’s just a testnet address. 3. Never use an address that holds real funds for testing.

If you do not yet have an account / mnemonic phrase, Generate a new key pair with the command:

./layerd keys add $ACCOUNT_NAME

Be sure to copy the entire output with the mnemonic and keep it in a very safe place!

If you already have an account, you may Import it with the command:

./layerd keys add $ACCOUNT_NAME --recover=true
  1. Export your addresses. (optional but recommended for less experienced users) Your wallet account has two important addresses. First, get the "tellor" prefix address, which is used to send and receive tokens. Copy it and keep it in a safe place:

./layerd keys show $ACCOUNT_NAME

Next, add the --bech val flag to get the "tellorvaloper" prefix address, which is used for validator commands. Copy it and keep it in a safe place:

./layerd keys show $ACCOUNT_NAME --bech val

Add these addresses to your .bashrc or .zshrc file. Be sure to replace your_tellor_prefix_address and your_tellorvaloper_prefix_address in your command:

echo 'export TELLOR_ADDRESS=your_tellor_prefix_address' >> ~/.bashrc #.zshrc if mac
echo 'export TELLORVALOPER_ADDRESS=your_tellorvaloper_prefix_address' >> ~/.bashrc #.zshrc if mac

Restart your terminal, or use source ~/.bashrc before you continue. (if Linux) Restart your terminal, or use source ~/.zshrc before you continue. (if mac)

Check accounts any time with: ./layerd keys list

Last updated