Query the Chain
Use the cli to query Tellor Layer for information about accounts, validators, reports, disputes, governance and more.
Use the node flag like --node=http://tellorlayer.com:26657
to query the chain without running a local node.
If you don't already have the binary, download the latest release here.
The full list of ./layerd query
as shown via ./layerd query --help
Available Commands:
auth Querying commands for the auth module
authz Querying commands for the authz module
bank Querying commands for the bank module
block Query for a committed block by height, hash, or event(s)
bridge Querying commands for the bridge module
comet-validator-set Get the full CometBFT validator set at given height
consensus Querying commands for the consensus module
dispute Querying commands for the dispute module
distribution Querying commands for the distribution module
evidence Querying commands for the evidence module
feegrant Querying commands for the feegrant module
globalfee Querying commands for the global fee module
gov Querying commands for the gov module
group Querying commands for the group module
ibc Querying commands for the IBC module
ibc-transfer IBC fungible token transfer query subcommands
interchain-accounts IBC interchain accounts query subcommands
oracle Querying commands for the oracle module
registry Querying commands for the registry module
reporter Querying commands for the reporter module
slashing Querying commands for the slashing module
staking Querying commands for the staking module
tx Query for a transaction by hash, "<addr>/<seq>" combination or comma-separated signatures in a committed block
tx Query for a transaction by hash, "<addr>/<seq>" combination or comma-separated signatures in a committed block
txs Query for paginated transactions that match a set of events
upgrade Querying commands for the upgrade mod
# to check balance. Use a tellor address or your local account name.
# e.g. for tellor1p8xk2xqwgszmerk83dvjszddp5adqs5hwaupjt
./layerd query bank balance tellor1p8xk2xqwgszmerk83dvjszddp5adqs5hwaupjt loya
# get a list of validators and their status
./layerd query staking validators
# get info about a validator by it's moniker.
./layerd query staking validators | grep -A 5 "bob_moniker"
# get a list of reporters
./layerd query reporter reporters
# get a list of their reportrs
# e.g. for tellor1d8rrlk20qqxd69xl2zen503x7uux0wnl
./layerd query oracle get-reportsby-reporter tellor1d8rrlk20qqxd69xl2zen503x7uux0wnl
# check the reporter address that your account is selecting
# any address may also be used instead of $ACCOUNT_NAME
./layerd query reporter selector-reporter $ACCOUNT_NAME
# get governance information
./layerd query gov proposals
# get gov proposal vote tallies
./layerd query gov tally 1
# get list of open dispute IDs
./layerd query dispute open-disputes
# query record of disputes with more information
./layerd query dispute disputes
# check rewards
# delegator-addr should be a tellor prefix address
# validator-addr should be a tellorvaloper prefix address
# both addresses are required even if validator and reporter are same account
./layerd query distribution rewards-by-validator [delegator-addr] [validator-addr]
# to examine a transaction (tx)
# example for tx hash 9CE91600D5291C0CD267F950AC254AA469FE97C8444EFE9EC8E9E41BD4DEE523
./layerd query tx --type=hash 9CE91600D5291C0CD267F950AC254AA469FE97C8444EFE9EC8E9E41BD4DEE523
Last updated