Select a reporter

Follow these steps to select a reporter to increase their reporting power and recieve rewards minus the reporter's commision. We will use a remote rpc so that you do not need to run a local node.

Create the select-reporter tx

# if selecting tellor148zgkh394d382g4rft3dhl2wx0g6r743vv4q
./layerd tx reporter select-reporter tellor148zgkh394d382g4rft3dhl2wx0g6r743vv4q --from YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME --chain-id layertest-3 --fees 5loya --node=

Be sure to customize the "tellor" prefix address of the person you want to delegate to, the amount that you want to deligate. The loya amount has 6 decimals (e.g. 10000000loya = 10 TRB)

Last updated