
Note: After a dispute is initiated, there is a voting period equal to 24 hours times the number of voting rounds, up to a maximum of 6 days.

Step 1: Determine the disputeID

On a block explorer, navigate to the appropriate governance contract. Click on on the txnhash for the beginDispute txn you'd like to dispute. Click Logs() and scroll down to the NewDispute event which contains the disputeID.

Step 2: Vote

Go back to the governance contract on the block explorer, click the Write Contract button. Log into your Web3 compatible wallet and Click Connect to Web3 with the address that holds your tellor voting power. Click function 5 vote.


  • _disputeID: Enter the disputeID from step 1.

  • _supports (bool): Here is where you can choose whether or not to support the dispute. Enter true if you wish to vote in favor of the disputer. Enter false if you wish to vote on the side of the reporter.

  • _invalidQuery: If you believe that the dispute was invalid and there is no clear correct option, enter true here. Otherwise, input false.

Note: 24-144 hours after the dispute is initiated, depending on the current vote round, votes can be tallied. Which brings us to...

Step 3: Tally Votes
  • Connect your web3 compatible wallet to the governance contract via etherscan.

  • Click on function 4. tallyVotes

  • Input the disputeID from step one and click Write to sign the transaction.

Note: 24 hours after tallyVotes is called, the vote can be executed. Which brings us to...

Step 4: Execute Vote

The last step for resolving a dispute is executeVote. After this function is called, the winner of the dispute receives the locked TRB tokens.

  • Connect your web3 compatible wallet to the governance contract via etherscan.

  • Click on function 2. executeVote.

  • Input the disputeID from step one and click Write to sign the transaction

Last updated