SnapShot Vote Results

DAOs using Snapshot are able to bring proposal results onchain via the Gnosis Zodiac Tellor module, allowing decisions made by DAOs can experience an end-to-end decentralized process.

The primary components of this process are:

- Snapshot proposal

-Tellor Reporters

-Gnosis Safe wallet

-The Tellor Zodiac Module

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. The DAO will create a proposal on snapshot, the results of which contain transactions that need to be executed onchain.

  2. The DAO will also create a gnosis safesnap account , assigning it’s chosen addresses as part of the multi-sig.

  3. Once created, the user will go to apps > zodiac > Tellor Module

Setting the appropriate parameters:

-Owner address: address of the multi-sig

-Address of the oracle contract where the results will be reported (reference here)

-Cooldown- Length of time to allow for disputing of reported results

-Expiration - Length of time before reported result is no longer valid

  1. Once added, the DAO can select the module - > Click the ‘Write Contract’ tab -> and select addProposal from the ‘function’ dropdown before ‘Expiration’ is over (*even before snapshot proposal voting is closed.)

  1. Once the voting period for the proposal ends, Tellor reporters race to report the following data pertaining the to snapshot proposal:

a. the query data (includes the proposal id, tx hashes, module address)

b. Actual reported value: input t/f that it passed

  1. The DAO will then select ‘executeProposal’ from the function dropdown after “cooldown period” is over

    (established when setting up zodiac module,; cooldown clock starts once value is reported)

Last updated