Tellor Functions
Available Tellor Functions
When your contract inherits the usingtellor helper contract, it has access to the following functions:
Retrieves a specific value by queryId and timestamp
Determines whether a specific value with a given queryId and timestamp has been disputed
Returns the total number of values submitted for a given queryId
Returns the timestamp at a specific index for a given queryId.
Values start at the 0 index.
Finds the most recent submission for a given queryId and returns three things: a boolean for whether a value was found, the value itself, and the timestamp of the value
Note that this function should not be used in most cases since it does not include a dispute buffer time. See below.
Finds the most recent submission for a given queryId before a specific timestamp
It is recommended that you use this function with a buffer time when retrieving oracle values. This allows time for bad values to be disputed.
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