Staking / Unstaking


To stake funds in the Tellor contract, parties need to run one function.

On Ethereum

 * @dev Allows a reporter to submit stake
function depositStake() external {

On any other network

 * @dev Allows a reporter to submit stake
 * @param _amount amount of tokens to stake
function depositStake(uint256 _amount) external {

*Note that on Ethereum, the approve function does not need to be run on the token before staking, however it does on every other network for the staked asset (bridged TRB).

For non-Ethereum Tellor, you can stake multiple times for one address. The way this works is that if the stake amount is 10TRB and you stake 2 times (20 TRB), the reporterLock (time allowed between reports) is cut in half (or more if you deposit more).


Unstaking is a process that requires two functions, one to request a withdraw and then another (allowed to be run one week later) to actually pull out the funds. The reason for this is that reporters are not allowed to report bad data and then run away.

On Ethereum

requesting a withdraw:

 * @dev Allows a reporter to request to withdraw their stake
function requestStakingWithdraw() external 

and unstaking:

 * @dev Withdraws a reporter's stake
function withdrawStake() external {

On any other network

requesting a withdraw:

 * @dev Allows a reporter to request to withdraw their stake
 * @param _amount amount of staked tokens requesting to withdraw
function requestStakingWithdraw(uint256 _amount) external

and then to unstake:

 * @dev Withdraws a reporter's stake
function withdrawStake() external {

Last updated